The Team


Robert F. Browne

+353 (0) 1 859 0100
Insurance and IntermediariesArbitration & Alternative Dispute ResolutionCommercial LitigationCorporate Debt RecoveryEnforcement of ContractsGeneral LitigationInsolvency & Corporate RestructuringInsurance ClaimsIntellectual Property Litigation
Other Areas of Law

Professional Bodies
Law Society of Ireland

Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators




Law Society of Ireland (M1990)



ROBERT BROWNE joined McKeever Rowan Solicitors in 1995, having qualified as a solicitor in 1990. He is currently Managing Partner.

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and a Notary Public.

He is a former Joint Chairperson of the British Irish Commercial Bar Association (

As a fluent French speaker he regularly works through the French language, advising French clients in Ireland, and Irish clients on aspects of French property law. Recently he has been involved in several Probates where there have been assets both in Ireland and in France.

He advises extensively on all aspects of property litigation and insurance claims. He has many years’ experience in Financial Services and Insurance Litigation, Partnership Law, Employers’ and Public Liability Defence Claims, Corporate and Private Client Litigation.

As a Tax Appeals Lawyer, he is also regularly before the Tax Appeals Commissioners defending Revenue claims for taxes including CGT as well as challenging the procedures adopted in such hearings.

In the recent past he has been involved in quite a few Probate Disputes which end up in the High Court.

He has extensive expertise in obtaining and defending injunctions for companies and individuals in the areas of employment law, trespass, banking and asset tracing. He has the experience and knowledge to be able to react immediately to the urgency of a situation and to know when an injunction is the appropriate remedy.

He has litigated regularly and extensively in the area of repudiation of Insurance Contracts where insurers refuse or fail to pay out valid claims made by policy holders.

As a French speaking lawyer in Ireland he has advised extensively on French Law as it affects Irish clients in such areas as:-

  • French property conveyancing
  • French inheritance law, French Wills
  • Recognition and enforcement of French Court Orders in Ireland
  • French leasebacks issues
  • Ownership structure and estate planning
  • European Enforcement Orders

He also has extensive experience in receivership, insolvency and asset recovery matters and appears regularly in the Commercial Court.

He advises on all aspects of debt recovery and enforcement of judgements, including entitlement to recover mortgaged properties and where parties have attempted to put assets beyond reach of creditors or dissipated assets with a view to avoiding liability.

He has extensive experience in prosecuting and defending professional negligence claims, product liability, public liability and motor insurance claims.

by Robert Browne

Debt recovery - the French banks have arrived

Irish owners of bank-funded assets in France should beware the French debt recovery regime

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10 Marches a l’Achat d’un Logement en Irlande

Un bref guide des aspects juridiques

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Are partnerships more sacred than marriage?

Covid-19 has placed many relationships under severe stress, none more so than Partnerships

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2015 EU Succession Laws: Re-write your Will

The introduction of new EU legislation has simplified cross-border succession, particularly in cases of property ownership.

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European Account Preservation Order

EU Regulation 655/2014 makes it more difficult for Debtors to put assets beyond reach of lawful Creditors.

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General Data Protection guidelines

Proper regulation of the processing of personal data is intended to help to bridge the so-called ‘trust gap’ between business and the consumer who entrusts personal data to it, with a resultant increase in electronic commerce as well as consumer business. This article forms the basis of initial considerations to comply with GDPR.

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Review of time limits on tax avoidance matters

The Supreme Court delivered a decision in the case of Droog v Revenue Commissioners on 6 October 2016, and held that the four year time limits for the process of Revenue “forming an opinion” under Section 811 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 applied.

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